Citizenship due to substantial benefit for the Slovak Republic


I am an currently a US citizen and was interested in Slovakia Citizenship where residence is not required. How hard is it to show significance benefit to Slovak Republic? I’ve heard some people can donate to charity or could I qualify based on my entrepreneurial background?

§ 7 of the Act no. 40/1993 Coll. on Citizenship of the Slovak Republic recognizes the specific exceptions to the obligation to prove residence in the Slovak Republic. The specific case, ie. if it is a person who: is a person who has significantly contributed to the benefit for the Slovak Republic on economic, scientific, technical, cultural, social or sport sphere, or it is in other interest of Slovak Republic.


According Section no 7 (2) b) of the Act no. 40/1993 Z. z. on citizenship of the Slovak republic: „ Unless otherwise specified in this Act, citizenship of the Slovak Republic can be granted to applicants with permitted residence in the Slovak Republic without fulfilling the condition specified in section 1(a) (uninterrupted eight years of permanent residency immediately preceding the filing of an application) if They are a person with substantial credit for the benefit of the Slovak Republic in the area of economics, science, technology, culture, society or sport, or if it is otherwise in the interest of the Slovak Republic.“ 

It is quite strictly evaluated what is interest of Slovak republic and what is substantial credit for the benefit of Slovak Republic. On an economic basis, as investment or donation confirmation of the ministry (Ministry of economy, Ministry of Finances) or potentially Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency will be necessary. In case of donation for example for the scientific purpose, confirmation from the Ministry of education, science, research and sport etc. 

Also permanent residence permit (not citizenship) can be granted also in case that it is in the interest of the Slovak republic

Such a confirmation is attachment of the application for the permanent residence. There is not any official limit how big the investment / donation must be, but in general if it is not really significant amount another kind of residency is recommended (for example temporary residence for purpose of business). 

In case that residence will be granted, an application for the citizenship can be submitted together with the documentation proving substantial credit for the benefit of the Slovak republic. Such a documentation must prove that you have already carried out activities with the benefit for the Slovak republic, not that activities are only planed.