How to get a birth certificate and passport for a child born abroad
A descendant of a Slovak citizen automatically acquires Slovak citizenship at birth. He is thus entitled not only to a Slovak birth certificate,...
READ THE ARTICLEA descendant of a Slovak citizen automatically acquires Slovak citizenship at birth. He is thus entitled not only to a Slovak birth certificate,...
READ THE ARTICLEAct No. 404/2011 Coll. on Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts identifies three kinds of permanent...
READ THE ARTICLEAccording to the Slovak legal definition, a business is operated independently, on its own behalf, on its own responsibility, in...
READ THE ARTICLEOn 30. April 2013 the National Council of the Slovak Republic approved a new Act on Personal Data Protection. The...
READ THE ARTICLEIn relation to tax licenses, we have recorded increased demand for dissolution of companies. For this reason we have prepared...
READ THE ARTICLEWho can establish a foundation? The Act provides that the founder of the foundation in Slovakia can be both natural as...
READ THE ARTICLEBy default, a third-country national needs a work permit, regardless of the visa issued in another EU Member State. He does not...
READ THE ARTICLEThe joint ownership of the spouses is regulated in the Civil Code in Article 143, according to which everything acquired by either...