Slovak living abroad certificate
I would like to ask for information on how a person’s integrity and a documented extract from the FBI’s criminal record are assessed.
This is a US citizen who is interested in applying for a certificate of a Slovak living abroad. He committed an offense on his FBI record 21 years ago, was convicted under a guilt and punishment agreement, fined $ 100 and community service. This act is considered an offense in the United States.
I will ask for information on whether this act entered in the criminal record from the USA will cause him not to be granted a certificate of a Slovak living abroad (if, of course, he meets other requirements)?
According to the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad, “proof of integrity must be unrecorded.”
According to the Act No. 474/2005 Coll. „(1) The status of a Slovak living abroad, for the purposes of exercising the rights or benefits laid down in special laws for the Slovaks living abroad, is evidenced using a certificate issued by the Office.
(2) The certificate may be issued on the basis of a written application to a person, who
b) has not been validly sentenced for an intentional criminal offence or for an offence, which constitutes an intentional criminal offence under the Slovak law,
(5) Compliance with the condition pursuant to paragraph 2(b) shall be evidenced using an extract from the Register of Previous Convictions not older than six months or using a similar certificate issued by a competent authority of the state, in which the applicant has a domicile.“