Legal information
Legal information AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o. offers on its website information under the following conditions. By opening our website you agree to these terms. ...
Contact us.Legal information
AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o. offers on its website information under the following conditions. By opening our website you agree to these terms.
AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o. reserves the right to change or update published information in its sole discretion and without prior notice.
Information under § 6 of Act no. 136/2010 Coll. on services in the internal market and amending certain laws
Trade name: AKMV Law Office Ltd.
Legal form: limited liability company
Head Office: Pluhova 17, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Telephone: +421 2 4333 3509, +421 915 046 749
Address for electronic mail:
Registration: list of advocates led by the Slovak Bar Association /SBA/, registration number of manager (JUDr. Veronika Michalíková, MBA): 6290
ID: 47 095 652
Tax ID: 2023819710
VAT ID: SK 2023819710
Membership: Slovak Bar Association
Services: legal services pursuant to Act no. 586/2003 Coll. on the legal profession and amending Act no. 455/1991 Coll. on small business (Trade Act), as amended Professional insurance: Wustenrot Insurance Company JSCo., Sum insured: 1,500,000 EUR
Make a complaint or claim of the service provided or to obtain information about the service provided in the Slovak Republic is possible by contacting our Law Office on or the above telephone number.
Remuneration for services is always determined individually according to Decree no. 655/2004 Coll. on remuneration and compensation of lawyers for providing legal services.
Remuneration will be charged at the full agreed amount even if the service is not granted in its entirety on the part of the client if the lawyer has already started with the provision of services.
The information on the website are protected by copyright under Act no. 618/2003 Coll. on copyright and rights related to copyright (the Copyright Act) as amended. It is forbidden to disseminate or reproduce text or photographs found at for other than personal use without the prior written consent of AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o.
Liability and warranty
All information appearing on the site are provided without guarantee of accuracy, comprehensiveness and timeliness. AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o. assumes no responsibility for errors, incompleteness, out of date and inauthenticity of information and documents contained on the site, or for its misuse. Website may contain technical and other inaccuracies.
Privacy policy
Persons using the site online chat or which subscribe to the newsletter or otherwise contact AKMV advokátska kancelária s.r.o. and provide it their personal data agree that A|K|M|V advokátska kancelária s.r.o. will process their personal data for the purpose of providing legal services in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection.
A|K|M|V advokátska kancelária s.r.o. provided personal information does not sell, rent or otherwise provide to third parties.
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Last update: 11.02.2022
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Contact us.
AKMV advokatska kancelaria s. r. o. Pluhová 17, 831 03 Bratislava Slovenská republikaID:47 095 652 VAT:SK 2023819710