Latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic
This article includes an overview of the latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic.
READ THE ARTICLEIf a partner wishes to leave the company, one option is to transfer their share to another person. We will manage the entire process for you.
A partner can transfer their share to another person if the partnership agreement allows it. Consent from the general meeting is required for the transfer unless the partnership agreement specifies otherwise.
The contract for the transfer of a share can be made without compensation, but the signatures must be certified. If the acquirer is not a partner, they must declare their agreement to the partnership agreement or bylaws.
The transferor is responsible for ensuring that the acquirer pays their share contribution.
For the transfer of a majority share, it is no longer necessary to submit a consent from the tax administrator showing that neither the transferor nor the acquirer has any tax arrears.
If you pay the court fee using a bank card or through the ekolok app, the court will receive the payment immediately, eliminating the need to wait an additional 2 days for the payment to be credited to the court’s account, as is the case with bank transfers.
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