Medical check up for Foreigners in Slovakia – list of accepted clinics


Hello, I am Ukrainian – a foreigner coming to work in Slovakia and I need to undergo a Medical Check Up and get an opinion for a foreign police. The police told me there are only a few accepted clinics where this can be done, is that true please? Can you please guide me where to go to? Thanks. Mykhailo.


Dear Mykhailo, yes it’s true. After receiving the residence permit card, it is necessary to provide the foreign police with a medical report that the foreigner does not suffer from a disease threatening public health. If the foreigner does not do so, they can revoke his residence permit in Slovakia.

Our Law Firm has been cooperating for years and we recommend all our clients to have a medical examination at two places:

In Zlaté Moravce (near Nitra)

The clinic is in Zlaté Moravce, for more information see here: Expat Clinic. They offer medical check up for foreigners and the prices are: adults 149 EUR, students and children 140 EUR.

This clinic has dozens of positive references on Google and the number is still growing, thanks to the benefits you do not have at another clinics such:

  • a nurse from Ukraine works at this clinic, you can speak Russian, Ukrainian and English
  • you can arrive every Monday and Tuesday without ordering
  • they send the mediacal reports directly to the Foreign Police, you undergo an examination and you don’t have to deal with anything with the police wihich is clearly a u huge benefit
  • they also examine children from 3 years of age
  • they can equip 30 people in one day, you won’t wait long
  • the medical check can be paid on the spot in cash or by card
  • the workplace is accepted by the Foreign Police

In other cities such as: Bratislava, Zlaté Moravce, Komárno, Skalica, Zvolen, Levice, Levoča, Kežmarok, Košice, Bánovce, Handlová, Krompachy, Krupina, we order via Medical Control. It is an exclusive partner of the largest network of private hospitals in Slovakia and we always arrange medical check up for foreigners in other cities through them.
They also send medical reports directly to the foreign police, the price is 150 EUR in Bratislava, in other cities a bit higher – 175 EUR and it is necessary to order in advance, payment is also solved here in advance because they order everyone only for the exact time.


We order years from them for all our clients and everyone has always been satisfied. I believe we helped, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us