An Establishment of LLC in the Slovak republic

A limited liability company is the most popular capital form of company in the Slovak republic. It is a kind of business form of company where the members guarantee the obligation of the company but not higher than the amount of a contribution of each member. The capital consists of the contributions from each member and an amount is specified according to the law. We would like to help you with the establishment of your LLC and we will arrange the whole process foryou.

600 € +150 EUR court fee
2-3 weeks average procedure
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Our services of an establishment of LLC 

  • preparation of documents which are necessary for the establishment of an LLC
  • helping with a selection of objects of a company
  • submission of an application form for the competent Trade register in order to get the trade permit certificate
  • submission of an application form of the registration of an LLC to the Commercial Register
  • issue of the permission of the tax administrator along with the registration into the Companies Register
  • Establishing of a business place with all required administration (pick up phones and post, etc.)
  • opening a bank account
  • helping with accounting and tax questions 

The process of the creation of an LLC consists of two steps: it is the establishment of a LLC (by signing a foundation deep or a partnership contract – in case there are more than one partner) and formation of the LLC which is connected with a registration in the Commercial Register. Thisrequires a mountain of documents because, since the amendment of the Commercial Code which has been in force since 1st October 2012, the founder is obliged to present at the Commercial Register a confirmation from a corresponding tax office that he/ she has no arrears. 

Medical checkup for foreigners

If a foreigner reach the residence permit, he has to attend the medical checkup for the foreign police. You can visit these providers of medical control for foreign police:

Examination of foreigners in Bratislava is available every day at: Poliklinika Ružinov, Agel Clinic, Ružinovská 10, Bratislava.

  • We also examine larger groups of people every day
  • 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • even without an appointment, if you need an exact date and time, call 0948350123
  • payment on the spot in cash or by card
  • all examinations in one day
  • medical report within 7 working days
  • we are an accepted outpatient clinic by the foreign police
  • We examine people from 15 years of age and older. Younger children are examined only in Nitra and Zvolen

Examination of foreigners KOŠICE is provided at the AGEL Hospital Košice – Šaca.

  • we examine foreigners every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m., it is possible to come even without an appointment to the address: Agel Hospital Košice-Šaca, Lúčna 57, Diagnostic Centre, 1st floor.
  • Payment is possible in cash or by card directly at the outpatient clinic
  • all examinations in one day, X-ray directly at the clinic
  • medical report will be issued within 7 working days
  • we are an outpatient clinic accepted by the foreign police
  • we examine children only in Nitra and Zvolen, in Košice we examine only adults (from 18 years of age).

Medical check-up for the purpose of issuance of a report for the Foreign Police, confirming that the foreigner is not suffering from any disease that endangers public health.

  • we will examine you also without appointment
  • we can make individual appointments for larger groups
  • all examinations in a single day
  • medical check-up report within 5 working days
  • we examine also children
  • we are the outpatient clinic accepted by the Foreign Police

References from clients

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