The Establishment of a Joint Stock Company in the Slovak Republic

You can rely on the professionalism and experience of our Law Firm.

1 500 € including fees
3 weeks average time
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A joint stock company is a legal person, and a capital company. It could be established for a business or for another aim which is not prohibited by law. The essential part of a joint stock company is that it is a registered capital which consists of a specific number of nominal valuable parts which are called shares of stock. 

The process of the establishment and formation of a joint stock company is more difficult compared with other forms of companies. It consists of plenty of exceptions. In the process of the establishment and formation of a company are too many legal facts which limit other legal facts and the movement of the whole process. 

If you decided to establish a joint stock company, you can  rely on the professionalism and experience of our legal team.

We have plenty of experience with providing legal services, mainly in the area of business law. We provide legal services and advisory services to local, international and global clients. 

Our services in relation to the Establishment of a Joint Stock Company in the Slovak Republic 

  • preparing documents required for the establishment of a joint stock company,
  • helping with selecting of objects of a company,
  • submission of a trade notification form at the corresponding Trade Licence Office in order to obtain a Trade Permit Certificate,
  • submission of a registration form to the Commercial Register,
  • registration of the company at the Tax Office as an income tax payer,
  • arranging a meeting with a notary in order to obtain a notarial deed which is required for the establishment of a joint stock company,
  • registration of shares of stock in the Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic. 

Costs and fees 

The administrative fee for notifying an unqualified trade is 5 € and the administrative fee for a manufacturing trade and permitted trade is 15 €. In case that a notification is made by e – signature, there is no  administrative fee for an unqualified trade, the administrative fee for a manufacturing trade and permitted trade is reduced by half. 

The court fee for the registration of a joint stock company in the Commercial Register is 750 €. You can save half of the price if you will register a joint stock company through our law firm. 

The process of the establishment of a company is tailor-made for the requirements of clients as each company has a special position. Do not hesitate to contact us on address if you are interested in getting a special price list for your needs.

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