Slovak citizenship by descent

Descendants of emigrants can obtain Slovak citizenship.

Contact us!

We can help you to ask for Slovak citizenship by descent, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by phone on +421 915 046 749.

A foreigner may be granted citizenship of the Slovak Republic if:

  • at least one of his or her parents, grandparents or great-grandparents was a Czechoslovak citizen
  • born in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

This entitlement was introduced by legislation effective as of April 2022.

Conditions for acquiring citizenship through ancestry

The basic conditions for obtaining ancestral citizenship include the proof that

  1. Your parent, grandparent or great-grandparent was a Czechoslovak citizen and at the same time
  2. That this ancestor was born in the territory of the present-day Slovakia.

However, fulfilment of the conditions for the grant of citizenship is not sufficient in itself; the relevant facts must be proved. Thus, in addition to the basic documents to be submitted with the application for citizenship, three main facts must be proved:

  1. Czechoslovak citizenship of the ancestor from whom citizenship is sought. Ancestral citizenship can be proved by any documents from which citizenship is derived, in particular passports, home certificates, census sheets, certificates, or sometimes it was customary to record citizenship on birth or marriage certificates. It is up to the applicant what documents he/she uses to prove the nationality of his/her ancestor. Please note that the birth certificate itself does not prove a person’s Czechoslovak citizenship unless it explicitly states so. The documents that can be used to prove citizenship must be Czechoslovak or Slovak (they must not be issued abroad). The originals or certified photocopies of the documents must be submitted to the Office.
    Municipalities, parish offices or archives can be contacted to obtain the above documents. The easiest way to prove ancestral citizenship is through census sheets, which are kept in archives. The first nationwide census in our territory was in 1921. Later censuses were carried out in 1930, 1939, 1940, 1950, 1961, 1970, 1980 and 1991.
  2. Birth of an ancestor in the territory of the present-day Slovak Republic. Along with the formation of the Slovak and Czechoslovak states, the state borders were also changing. For the purposes of obtaining citizenship, this fact is not relevant, because it is necessary that the ancestor was born in the territory that is part of the present-day Slovak Republic. Therefore, if an ancestor was born in a territory which was part of Slovakia at the time of his/her birth but is no longer part of Slovakia today, such a place of birth is not sufficient.
    Birth in the required territory is proved by the ancestor’s birth certificate. Birth certificates may be requested from the registry offices or, in the case of older birth certificates, from archives.
  3. Ties between the applicant and the ancestor. It is necessary to prove that the ancestor from whom citizenship is sought is indeed the applicant’s ancestor. These links are proven by birth certificates in the direct line from the applicant to the ancestor from whom Slovak citizenship is sought. If, for example, a person has changed his or her name, this change must also be documented to show that this is indeed the person concerned.

Residency requirement

The applicant for citizenship must also meet the legal residency requirement. In the case of a foreign national of Slovak origin, it is easiest to apply for permanent residence for 5 years for reasons of special consideration.

However, it is also possible to obtain a temporary residence, for example for the purpose of study, employment, special activity, etc., or such a residence can be granted to a person who has been granted the status of a Slovak living abroad. It is sufficient that the applicant is granted the residence and it is not necessary that he/she actually resides in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The descendants of Slovak citizens are entitled to permanent residence, i.e. they can apply for permanent residence for 5 years for reasons of special consideration together with the application for Slovak citizenship. Therefore, there is no need to apply for a certificate of a Slovak living abroad, which will simplify the whole process of obtaining citizenship.


One of the duty is to enter into Slovakia in 180 days after the residence permit is granted. 

Interesting fact

Minors are not granted citizenship by descent from their ancestors if neither of their parents is a Slovak citizen.

“For applications under the provisions of Act No. 40/1993 on Slovak citizenship, as amended, it is a condition that the applicant’s great-grandparents were born in the territory of the present Slovak Republic and at any time during their lives held Czechoslovak citizenship. This must also be documented – place of birth in Slovakia and relationship by birth certificates, Czechoslovak citizenship of ancestors e.g. passports of the Czechoslovak Republic, certificate of Czechoslovak citizenship, census sheets from the Slovak National Archives.” (source: District office Bratislava)

Such a person may be granted Slovak citizenship if he or she has resided continuously in the territory of the Slovak Republic for at least three years or if he or she is a person who has been granted residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic and has made a significant contribution to the community of Slovaks living abroad, from which he or she comes, in the economic, scientific, technical, cultural, social or sporting fields.

You will only need to provide the following documents with your application for permanent residency for five years:

  • A valid travel document,
  • 2 photographs of the face 3 x 3.5 cm,
  • documents proving entitlement to citizenship from an ancestor, e.g. birth certificate of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, marriage certificate, naturalization papers, etc.

Language requirement

For Slovaks living abroad, the requirement to demonstrate proficiency in the Slovak language in words and writing and general knowledge of the Slovak Republic is removed.

Contact us

If you are interested in obtaining ancestral citizenship and permanent residency, please contact us

You may have already acquired citizenship by birth

If a descendant is interested in acquiring Slovak citizenship from an ancestor, we recommend first of all to check whether he/she has already acquired citizenship at birth. In the past (and also today), the legislation states that a descendant acquired Slovak/Czechoslovak citizenship automatically from his/her parent(s) if the parent was a Slovak or Czechoslovak citizen at the time of birth. Quite often it happens that the descendants do not even know that they are citizens of the Slovak Republic. It is therefore necessary to find out whether all persons in the direct line from an ancestor who emigrated may have acquired citizenship by birth.

The legislation has changed several times and there is a great amount of legislation to be taken into account in relation to the above. The easiest way to carry out such verification is to apply for a citizenship certificate from the competent authority. If the authorities find that the descendant has acquired citizenship by birth, they will issue him/her with a certificate of Slovak citizenship. In such a case, it is irrelevant for him/her to apply for citizenship, as he/she is himself/herself a Slovak citizen. Even if the applicant had first applied for citizenship, in cases where the Office suspects that the applicant may have acquired citizenship by birth alone, the Office will, on its own initiative, assess whether the applicant is not a citizen of the Slovak Republic.

Obligations after the residence permit is granted

According to Section 7(1)(i) of the Citizenship Act, the condition for granting citizenship is: „Citizenship of the Slovak Republic may be granted to an applicant who is not a citizen of the Slovak Republic and fulfils the obligations arising from the provisions of the legislation regulating the residence of foreigners on the territory of the Slovak Republic, public health insurance, social insurance, old-age pension savings, taxes, levies, fees, employment of foreigners and other obligations arising for foreigners from the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

A foreigner who has been granted permanent residence for 5 years has obligations under Section § 111 (1) and the residence may be revoked pursuant to Section § 45a ods. 4. The most important duties are:

  1. notify the police department in writing that he/she will be continuously residing outside the territory of the Slovak Republic for more than 180 days, if he/she has been granted permanent residence,
  2. prove the identity and rightfulness of the residence upon the request of a police officer by presenting a valid travel and residence document or an identification card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persons enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities under international law,
  3. take out health insurance within three working days following the date the residence document and prove at the residence check that he/she is insured in the territory of the Slovak Republic,
  4. undergo biometric data at the request of the police department or the embassy for the purposes of proceedings under this Act or a special regulation,
  5. notify the police department that he/she will be staying within the territory of the Slovak Republic outside the place of granted residence for more than 30 days continuously,

According to § 111 (2) b): „The third-country national is obliged to report the beginning of his/her stay to the police department within three working days of entry, if he/she has been granted a residence permit.“

According to § 45a (4) b): „The police department shall revoke permanent residence pursuant to paragraph 1(b), (d) or (e) upon application by the State authority which applied for permanent residence; such a decision shall not be subject to appeal. A police department shall revoke permanent residence pursuant to the third-country national stays abroad continuously for more than 180 days without notifying the police department in writing.“ 

According to § 45 (4): „The third-country national shall hand over to the police department a medical report certifying that he or she does not suffer from a disease endangering public health within 30 days of receipt of the residence permit; this does not apply if the third-country national is a third-country national who has been granted residence in another Member State or if the type of residence has been changed. The medical certificate certifying that he/she is not suffering from a disease endangering public health must not be older than 30 days. The time limit for the submission of a medical report certifying that he or she is not suffering from a disease endangering public health may be extended by 60 days at the request of the third-country national by the police department.

Residence permit card

At the same time, according to the information provided by the Border and Foreign Police Office, the foreigner does not need to obtain a residence permit card. 

Insurance in Slovakia

In Slovakia we have public insurance and commercial insurance. We recommend contacting the public insurance companies (VŠZP, UNION, Dôvera) or an accountant or tax advisor about the possibility of taking out public health insurance as soon as possible. They will assess whether you are entitled to public insurance. If it is not possible to take out public insurance, you have the option of taking out commercial insurance.   

Advice for third country national who has granted the residence within the territory of the Slovak republic

Advice for third country national who has granted the residence within the territory of the Slovak republic

Pobyt štátnych príslušníkov tretích krajín na území Slovenskej republiky upravuje zákon č. 404/2011 Z. z. o pobyte cudzincov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len „zákon o pobyte cudzincov“).
1. The residence of third country nationals within the territory of the Slovak republic is regulated by the Act No 404/2011on Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as „Act on Residence of Aliens“)
2. Prechodný pobyt oprávňuje štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny zdržiavať sa na území Slovenskej republiky a na cesty do zahraničia a naspäť na územie Slovenskej republiky v čase, na aký mu bol policajným útvarom udelený.
2. Temporary residence entitles third country national to stay, to exit and re-enter the territory of the Slovak republic during the period of validity of the residence permit.
3. Trvalý pobyt oprávňuje štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny zdržiavať sa na území Slovenskej republiky a na cesty do zahraničia a naspäť na územie Slovenskej republiky v čase, na ktorý mu bol policajným útvarom udelený.
3. Permanent residence entitles third country national to stay to exit and re-enter the territory of the Slovak republic during the period of validity of the residence permit.
4. Štátny príslušník tretej krajiny, ktorý má udelený prechodný pobyt na účel zlúčenia rodiny podľa § 27 zákona o pobyte cudzincov môže na území Slovenskej republiky v období do 12 mesiacov od udelenia prechodného pobytu pracovať len na základe povolenia na zamestnanie. Po uplynutí tohto obdobia je oprávnený pracovať na území Slovenskej republiky aj bez povolenia na zamestnanie.
4. Third country national who has been granted the temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification pursuant to Art. 27 of Act on Residence of Aliens, may, within the period of 12 months following the date the residence has been granted, work in territory of Slovak Republic only with the valid work permit. Once the period has expired third country national is allowed to work without the work permit.
5. Žiadosť o obnovenie prechodného pobytu podľa § 23 ods. 4 zákona o pobyte cudzincov podáva štátny príslušník tretej krajiny osobne na úradnom tlačive na policajnom útvare najneskôr 30 dní pred skončením platnosti udeleného prechodného pobytu.
5. Application for the renewal of temporary residence pursuant to § 23 par. 4 of Act on Residence of Aliens shall be filed by a third country national in person in an official form at a police department at the latest 30 days before expiration of temporary residence´s validity.
6. Štátny príslušník tretej krajiny je povinný:
6. Third country national is obliged to:

a) oznámiť písomne policajnému útvaru, že sa bude viac ako 180 dní nepretržite zdržiavať mimo územia Slovenskej republiky, ak má udelený trvalý pobyt,
a) notify the police department in writing that he/she will stay out of the territory of the Slovak Republic continuously for more than 180 days if he/she has granted a permanent residence permit,
b) uvádzať pravdivo a úplne všetky požadované údaje v rozsahu ustanovenom týmto zákonom,
b) provide all required data in a full and truthful manner within the scope set out by this Act,
c) preukázať na požiadanie policajta totožnosť a oprávnenosť pobytu predložením platného cestovného dokladu a dokladu o pobyte alebo identifikačného preukazu vydaného ministerstvom zahraničných vecí osobám požívajúcim diplomatické výsady a imunity podľa medzinárodného práva,
c) prove identity and rightfulness of the residence upon the request of the police officer by presenting a valid travel document and residence permit or identity card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persons enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunity pursuant to international law,
d) uzatvoriť zdravotné poistenie najneskôr do troch pracovných dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte a preukázať pri kontrole pobytu, že je zdravotne poistený na území Slovenskej republiky,
d) take out health insurance within three working days following the date the residence permit is taken over and prove health insurance at the territory of the Slovak Republic at the residence check,
e) preukázať pri kontrole pobytu finančné zabezpečenie udeleného pobytu najmenej vo výške životného minima na každý mesiac zostávajúceho pobytu, najviac však na jeden rok dopredu; ak ide o maloletého štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny vo výške na jeden rok dopredu,
e) prove financial coverage of the permitted residence at the residence check amounting to not less than subsistence minimum per every month of the remaining residence, but maximum for the period of one year ahead; in case of minor third country national the coverage shall be a half of the subsistence minimum per every month of the remaining residence, but maximum for the period of one year ahead,
f) preukázať pri kontrole pobytu finančné prostriedky potrebné na pokrytie nákladov spojených s jeho pobytom na území Slovenskej republiky podľa § 6 na každý deň zostávajúceho pobytu, ak mu bolo udelené schengenské vízum,
f) prove financial means at the residence check which are to cover costs related to the residence of the third country national within the territory of the Slovak Republic under Article 6 per every day of the remaining residence, if Schengen visa was approved for the third country national,
g) hlásiť policajnému útvaru zmenu mena, priezviska, osobného stavu, štátnej príslušnosti, údajov v cestovnom doklade do piatich pracovných dní odo dňa, keď zmena nastala a výmenu cestovného dokladu,
g) report to the police department any change in his/her first name, surname, personal status, nationality and data in the travel document within five working days following the date the change occurred; and exchange of the travel document,
h) chrániť doklady vydané podľa tohto zákona pred stratou, krádežou, poškodením alebo zneužitím,
h) protect documents issued pursuant to this Act against loss, theft, damage or misuse,
i) ohlásiť stratu, krádež alebo poškodenie cestovného dokladu alebo dokladov vydaných podľa tohto zákona policajnému útvaru do piatich pracovných dní odo dňa, keď sa o tom dozvedel,
i) report to the police department the loss, theft or damage of the travel document or documents issued pursuant to this Act within five working days following the date he/she noticed it,
j) dostaviť sa na výzvu na policajný útvar v súvislosti s konaním podľa tohto zákona,
j) appear upon the request of the police department in connection with proceedings pursuant to this
k) predložiť na žiadosť ubytovateľa cestovný doklad,
k) present a travel document upon the request of the accommodation provider,
l) podpísať vyplnené úradné tlačivo o hlásení pobytu, v ktorom je uvedené jeho meno a priezvisko, dátum a miesto narodenia, štátna príslušnosť, miesto trvalého pobytu, účel pobytu, číslo cestovného dokladu, číslo víza a jeho platnosť, miesto vydania alebo číslo dokladu o pobyte vydaného SR alebo členským štátom a jeho platnosť, adresa pobytu v Slovenskej republike, meno ubytovateľa a mená a priezviská spolucestujúcich detí,
l) sign filled in official form on reporting the residence which contains first name and surname, date and place of birth, nationality, permanent residence, purpose of the residence, number of the travel document, visa number and it´s validity, place of issue or number of residence card issued by Slovak republic or other member state and it´s validity, address of the residence in the Slovak Republic, name of the accommodation provider and first names and surnames of co-travelling children,
m) poskytnúť údaje potrebné pre štatistické zisťovanie o pobyte,
m) provide data necessary for statistical information concerning the residence,
n) oznámiť do troch pracovných dní policajnému útvaru, že účel, na ktorý bol pobyt udelený zanikol,
n) notify the police department within three working days of the fact that the purpose for which the residence permit was granted ceased to exist,
o) podrobiť sa na požiadanie policajného útvaru alebo zastupiteľského úradu snímaniu biometrických údajov na účely konania podľa tohto zákona alebo osobitného predpisu,
o) undergo biometric data enrolment if requested by the police department or representative office for purposes of proceedings pursuant to this Act or special regulation89)
p) vycestovať najneskôr posledný deň oprávneného pobytu; ak sa mu zamietla žiadosť o udelenie prechodného pobytu podaná z dôvodu zmeny účelu pobytu alebo druhu pobytu, zamietla žiadosť o obnovenie prechodného pobytu, zrušil prechodný pobyt, zamietla žiadosť o udelenie trvalého pobytu na neobmedzený čas, zrušil trvalý pobyt, zamietla žiadosť o udelenie tolerovaného pobytu, zamietla žiadosť o predĺženie tolerovaného pobytu alebo zrušil tolerovaný pobyt, je povinný vycestovať do 30 dní od vykonateľnosti rozhodnutia, ak nie je oprávnený sa zdržiavať na území Slovenskej republiky z iného dôvodu,
p) depart not later than on the last day of the authorized residence; if the application for the temporary residence permit of the third country national was rejected due to a change in the purpose or type of the residence, the application for the renewal of the temporary residence was rejected, the temporary residence was withdrawn, the application for permanent residence for unlimited period of time was rejected, a permanent residence was withdrawn, the application for tolerated residence was rejected, the application for extension of the tolerated residence was rejected or the tolerated residence withdrawn, the third country national shall be obliged to depart within the period of 30 days following the date the decision becomes valid and effective, unless he/she is authorized to residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic for other purpose,
q) požiadať do piatich pracovných dní o vydanie nového dokladu o pobyte, ak záznamy v ňom nezodpovedajú skutočnosti alebo ak nastanú okolnosti podľa písmena h),
q) apply within five working days for the new residence permit, if data included are not accurate or if circumstances under h) occur,
r) odovzdať policajnému útvaru neplatný doklad o pobyte alebo neplatný doklad vydaný podľa tohto zákona, alebo nájdený doklad iného cudzinca,
r) submit the invalid residence permit or invalid document issued pursuant to this Act, or the found document of other alien to the police department,
s) oznámiť policajnému útvaru, že sa bude zdržiavať v rámci územia SR mimo miesta udeleného pobytu nepretržite viac ako 30 dní,
s) notify the police department that he/she intends to stay at the territory of the Slovak republic away from the address of the residence granted continuously for more than 30 days,
t) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte doklad potvrdzujúci zdravotné poistenie, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny podľa § 22, 25, 26, 27, 29 a 30,
t) submit a document confirming health insurance to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national as per Art. 22, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 30 is concerned,
u) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte lekársky posudok, potvrdzujúci, že netrpí chorobou, ktorá ohrozuje verejné zdravie, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny, ktorému bol udelený prechodný pobyt; to neplatí, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny podľa § 28 alebo § 30,
u) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the temporary residence is concerned; this shall not apply if it concerns the third country national as per Art. 28 or 30,
v) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte lekársky posudok, potvrdzujúci, že netrpí chorobou, ktorá ohrozuje verejné zdravie, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny, ktorý má udelenú modrú kartu,
v) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted EU Blue Card is concerned,
w) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte pracovnú zmluvu, ktorá obsahuje náležitosti uvedené v § 38 ods. 5 písm. a), ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny, ktorý odovzdal písomný prísľub podľa § 38 ods. 6,
w) submit employment contract containing requirements pursuant to Art 38/5/a to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has submitted the written promise set out in Art 38/6,
x) odovzdať do 60 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte výpis z obchodného registra fyzickej osoby – podnikateľa, obchodnej spoločnosti alebo družstva, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny, ktorému bol udelený prechodný pobyt podľa § 22; to neplatí, ak osobitný predpis nevyžaduje zápis do obchodného registra,
x) submit extract from the Companies Register of a natural person – entrepreneur, company or cooperative to the police department within 60 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the temporary residence pursuant to Art 22, this shall not apply if a special regulation does not require any registration into the Companies Register,
y) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte lekársky posudok potvrdzujúci, že netrpí chorobou, ktorá ohrozuje verejné zdravie, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny s udeleným trvalým pobytom na päť rokov,
y) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the permanent residence for the period of five years is concerned,
z) odovzdať do 30 dní od prevzatia dokladu o pobyte lekársky posudok potvrdzujúci, že netrpí chorobou, ktorá ohrozuje verejné zdravie, ak ide o štátneho príslušníka podľa § 46 ods. 1 písm. b),
z) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national pursuant to Art 46/1/b is concerned,
aa) odovzdať predchádzajúci doklad o pobyte (ak vydaný doklad o pobyte prevzal splnomocnený zástupca štátneho príslušníka tretej krajiny); v prípade jeho neodovzdania bude tento doklad o pobyte vyhlásený za neplatný, a ak sa ním štátny príslušník tretej krajiny následne preukáže pri kontrole v schengenskom priestore, tento doklad o pobyte mu bude zadržaný,
aa) submit former residence permit to the police department; otherwise the residence permit shall be declared to be invalid and if it is used by the third country national in the Schengen territory the residence permit shall be retained.
bb) hlásiť do troch pracovných dní začiatok pobytu, ak mu bol udelený pobyt,
bb) notify the police department within 3 working days of beginning of the residence
cc) hlásiť policajnému útvaru zmenu miesta pobytu v lehote do piatich pracovných dní odo dňa, keď zmena nastala,
cc) notify the police department of change of address of residence within 5 working days following the date the change occurred,
dd) splniť pri opätovnom vstupe v prípade vycestovania z územia SR podmienky článku 5 kódexu schengenských hraníc (predovšetkým mať platné vízum, ak podlieha vízovej povinnosti).
dd) re-entering the territory of the Slovak republic meet the conditions pursuant to Art 5 of Schengen Code (especially to have the valid visa if he/she is under the visa requirement),
ee) oznámiť do piatich pracovných dní policajnému útvaru zmenu údajov v doklade podľa § 73
ods. 18 prvej vety,
ee) notify the police department within 5 working days that data in document according to § 73(18, first sentence) has been changed,
ff) bezodkladne opustiť územie SR, ak nespĺňa podmienky podľa § 36a ods. 1, § 36b ods. 1, § 36c ods. 1 alebo § 36d ods. 1,
ff) leave the territory of the Slovak Republic immediately if he/she does not meet the conditions under § 36a par. 1, § 36b par. 1, § 36c, par. 1 or § 36d par. 1,
gg) zdržiavať san a území SR viac ako polovicu času udeleného prechodného pobytu v kalendárnom roku; to neplatí, ak štátny príslušník tretej krajiny uplatňuje mobilitu v inom členskom štáte,
gg) stay in the territory of the Slovak Republic more than half the time of the temporary residence per calendar year; this does not apply if a third-country national applies mobility in another Member State,
7. Štátny príslušník tretej krajiny, ktorý je držiteľom modrej karty je povinný:
7. Third country national – holder of EU Blue Card is obliged to:
a) oznámiť policajnému útvaru do piatich pracovných dní začiatok obdobia nezamestnanosti a skončenie obdobia nezamestnanosti,
a) notify the police department of commencement and termination of unemployment period within five working days,
b) hlásiť policajnému útvaru zmenu zamestnávateľa najneskôr päť pracovných dní pred nástupom do nového zamestnania; pri hlásení zmeny zamestnávateľa je držiteľ modrej karty povinný predložiť doklady podľa § 38 ods. 5 písm. a) a b).
b) notify the police department of change of employer; within five working days prior to commencement of employment; when a EU Blue Card holder reports the change of employer, he/she shall be obliged to present documents pursuant to Art 38/5/a-b.


More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

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