Slovak citizenship by descent
Descendants of emigrants can obtain Slovak citizenship.
READ THE ARTICLEPo udelení povolenia na pobyt cudzincovi z tretej krajiny je jeho povinnosťou doložiť cudzineckej polícii doklad o jeho zdravotnom poistení na Slovensku. Poistite sa v poisťovni AXA za bezkonkurenčnú cenu 276 EUR na jeden rok.
After granting a residence permit to a foreigner from a third country, it is his duty to provide the foreigner police with proof of his health insurance in Slovakia. Insure with AXA for an unbeatable price of EUR 276 per year.
A foreigner has this insurance obligation if he has been granted residence for the purpose of business, for the purpose of a specific activity, for the purpose of research and development, for the purpose of family reunification, as well as in the case of temporary residence of a third-country national who is granted long-term resident status in another Member State. The insurance covers study, tourist and business stays. Insurance is a product of AXA.
The insurance covers the costs of:
Poisťovňa AXA poskytuje cudzincom po novom okrem poistenia pre prípad nutnej a neodkladnej starostlivosti aj komplexné zdravotné poistenie, ktoré zahŕňa celkovú zdravotnú starostlivosť. Vzťahuje sa pre prípady nutného a neodkladného ošetrenia a hospitalizácie počas pobytu cudzincov na území Schengenu. Z poistenia sú hradené náklady do výšky dohodnutého limitu (celkový limit 60 000 €) okrem situácií uvedených vo výlukách.
If a foreigner reach the residence permit, he have to attend the medical checkup for the foreign police. You can visit these providers of medical control for foreign police:
Examination of foreigners in Bratislava is available every day at: Poliklinika Ružinov, Agel Clinic, Ružinovská 10, Bratislava.
Examination of foreigners KOŠICE is provided at the AGEL Hospital Košice – Šaca.
Medical check-up for the purpose of issuance of a report for the Foreign Police, confirming that the foreigner is not suffering from any disease that endangers public health.
We are two persons and have a s.r.o. company in Slovakia, our resident permit will expire in mid May 2019,...