Insurance for foreigners

Po udelení povolenia na pobyt cudzincovi z tretej krajiny je jeho povinnosťou doložiť cudzineckej polícii doklad o jeho zdravotnom poistení na Slovensku. Poistite sa v poisťovni AXA za bezkonkurenčnú cenu 276 EUR na jeden rok.

year 276 € Necessary and urgent care insurance
online email confirmation
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After granting a residence permit to a foreigner from a third country, it is his duty to provide the foreigner police with proof of his health insurance in Slovakia. Insure with AXA for an unbeatable price of EUR 276 per year.

A foreigner has this insurance obligation if he has been granted residence for the purpose of business, for the purpose of a specific activity, for the purpose of research and development, for the purpose of family reunification, as well as in the case of temporary residence of a third-country national who is granted long-term resident status in another Member State. The insurance covers study, tourist and business stays. Insurance is a product of AXA.

How to insure?

  • insure yourself ONLINE at this link
  • payment of insurance premiums by payment card when ordering online
  • after paying the premium, the insurance company will send a confirmation by e-mail
  • you attach the confirmation to the application for the Foreigners Police

Necessary and urgent care insurance

The insurance covers the costs of:

  • necessary and urgent examination necessary to establish the diagnosis and treatment
  • hospitalization
  • outpatient medicines
  • treatment by a dentist in acute painful conditions of the teeth
  • transport to a medical facility
  • repatriation of the insured, including the transport of the remains to the insured’s home country

Komplexné poistenie

Poisťovňa AXA poskytuje cudzincom po novom okrem poistenia pre prípad nutnej a neodkladnej starostlivosti aj komplexné zdravotné poistenie, ktoré zahŕňa celkovú zdravotnú starostlivosť. Vzťahuje sa pre prípady nutného a neodkladného ošetrenia a hospitalizácie počas pobytu cudzincov na území Schengenu. Z poistenia sú hradené náklady do výšky dohodnutého limitu (celkový limit 60 000 €) okrem situácií uvedených vo výlukách.

Medical checkup for foreigners

If a foreigner reach the residence permit, he have to attend the medical checkup for the foreign police. You can visit these providers of medical control for foreign police:

Examination of foreigners in Bratislava is available every day at: Poliklinika Ružinov, Agel Clinic, Ružinovská 10, Bratislava.

  • We also examine larger groups of people every day
  • 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • even without an appointment, if you need an exact date and time, call 0948350123
  • payment on the spot in cash or by card
  • all examinations in one day
  • medical report within 7 working days
  • we are an accepted outpatient clinic by the foreign police
  • We examine people from 15 years of age and older. Younger children are examined only in Nitra and Zvolen

Examination of foreigners KOŠICE is provided at the AGEL Hospital Košice – Šaca.

  • we examine foreigners every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m., it is possible to come even without an appointment to the address: Agel Hospital Košice-Šaca, Lúčna 57, Diagnostic Centre, 1st floor.
  • Payment is possible in cash or by card directly at the outpatient clinic
  • all examinations in one day, X-ray directly at the clinic
  • medical report will be issued within 7 working days
  • we are an outpatient clinic accepted by the foreign police
  • we examine children only in Nitra and Zvolen, in Košice we examine only adults (from 18 years of age).

Medical check-up for the purpose of issuance of a report for the Foreign Police, confirming that the foreigner is not suffering from any disease that endangers public health.

  • we will examine you also without appointment
  • we can make individual appointments for larger groups
  • all examinations in a single day
  • medical check-up report within 5 working days
  • we examine also children
  • we are the outpatient clinic accepted by the Foreign Police

References from clients

I engaged AKMV Laf Firm for assistance with renewal of my temporary residency. As expected, the process was not entirely straightforward, and the expert knowledge and experience of AKMV was crucial to both a successful application and providing reassurance to me with what could have been a stressful time. As such, I arrived at the Foreign Police with all the correct documentation and the application was made quickly and without difficulty. Follow-up requirements from the Foreign Police were quickly and precisely addressed by AKMV. The successful application was advised once approved. I have not hesitated to recommend AKMV to other foreigners and will seek their assistance for my immigration needs in the future.

Ross Cable

I Just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me get my residency here in Slovakia, Barbora and I appreciated it so much and I’m glad that I can be here with her and without worry! Thank you again for your hard work.

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