Residence permit for the spouse of the citizen of Slovak Republic

Foreigner, who is husband / wife of the citizen of Slovak Republic may apply for permanent residence permit for five (5) years on territory of Slovak Republic. The condition is that the citizen of SR also needs to have permanent residence in SR.

Submission of the application for the permanent residence permit

An application for permanent residence may be submitted in the same way as an application for temporary residence and that is 1) in the embassy of SR in abroad, or 2) personally to the Police Department in SR. An application for the permanent residence in SR for five years may be submitted to the Police Department by the foreigner-citizen of the third country, who stays legally on the territory of Slovak Republic.

An application submitted on the embassy of SR in abroad

The embassy, which received an application will make an interview with an applicant for permanent residence on period of five years in order to make a pre-decision. The interview will be made in governmental language or another, understandable for each participant, language. The written record will be produced on base of interview, which will be attached to the application for permanent residence on period of five years. The written record will be produced in language used during the interview and must be signed by the applicant; if the interview was not made in governmental language, the embassy shall ensure the translation into governmental language and shall add a certification clause of the Embassy. If the applicant is not able to communicate in governmental language, he may use interpreter`s services on his own costs, who is obligated to sign the record. The Embassy will send to the Police Department the written record and their opinion about granting permanent residence for 5 years, where will be clarified, whether granting permanent residence for 5 years is likely or unlikely on their opinion, including reasonable arguments.

An application must be submitted ion official form personally, with the exception of inability of the foreigner to submit the application for granting permanent residence personally. In this case, a family member of the foreigner, with whom reunification was required, is able to substitute him in submission of the application.

Also, take a look at: Services for foreigners

Documents, which should be attached

These documents must be attached to the application: 

  • two photos made in size 3 x 3,5 cm, which show actual appearance
  • valid travel document
  • marriage certificate
  • an extract from police records (apostilized or superlegalized)
  • document which proves existence of financial funds aimed on residence purpose, which may be as:
    • an extract issued by the bank, which shows financial balance on the bank account opened by the foreigner, or
    • affidavit of husband – Slovak citizen that he will provide to the citizen of third country all material and financial provision during the residence in Slovak republic with attached document showing financial balance on the bank account of the foreigner
  • document which proves existence of the accommodation for both husband and wife (in case of tenancy agreement, certified signatures of all participants are required, not only tenants, but signature of the renter is also required). The residence address of the foreigner must be the same as address of husband / wife, that`s why attached document proving residence at the same address of husband / wife – citizen of Slovak republic is required. 

Amount of financial funds

Financial welfare citizen of third country must show in amount of twelve times more than subsistence minimum in SR (approximately 2400 EUR). Financial welfare of the minor citizen of third country must be shown in half amount according to the first sentence.

Obligations of the alien after granting the residence permit

Citizen of the third country must hand in a medical report, which proves that he does not affected by the disease which may cause danger for public health during 30 days after receiving residence document. Medical report, which proves that he does not affected by the disease which may cause danger for public health must not be older than 30 days.

The period for decision

Police Department will make a decision about the application for granting the permanent residence on period of five years by 90 days from the day of submitted application to Police Department.

Examination of foreigners in Zlaté Moravce – Examination of a foreigner for a stay for the Foreign Police in Zlaté Moravce is provided by Nemocnica AGEL Zlaté Moravce, Bernolákova 4, Pavilon 4, 2. floor, a medical examination for foreigners can be completed without ordering.

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