Application for a Certificate of No Criminal Record
If a foreigner in Slovakia needs to request a Certificate of No Criminal record, there are two options. In this...
READ THE ARTICLEIf a foreigner in Slovakia needs to request a Certificate of No Criminal record, there are two options. In this...
READ THE ARTICLEIntra - corporate transfer is defined in section 1 article 2 (1) s) of the Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on...
READ THE ARTICLELoss of citizenship Pursuant to § 9 section 16 of Act No. 40/1993 Coll. on citizenship of the Slovak Republic...
READ THE ARTICLEThis article includes an overview of the latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic.
READ THE ARTICLEOn 14th of June, 2017, the National Council of the Slovak Republic has adopted Act amending Act no. 404/2011 Coll....
READ THE ARTICLEA Slovak national living abroad with a certificate confirming this status, may apply for temporary residence in the Slovak republic....
READ THE ARTICLEIn a case of employer's desire to employ a third-country national, to occupy a position where a higher professional qualification...
READ THE ARTICLEThe foreign police department can renew - prolong the temporary residence permit in Slovakia for a maximum period of three...