Latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic
This article includes an overview of the latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic.
READ THE ARTICLEThe Organizational unit of a foreign company has no legal personality and is completely bound to the parent company, while its formation constitutes quite a complicated process.
If you, as a foreign company, have decided to form an organizational unit of your company in Slovakia, we will not only advise you how, but also gladly deal with the process instead of you. We are able to communicate in English, German and Russian too.
Firstly, you must deal with the formalities – in this respect forming an organizational unit is very similar to forming the company itself. You will need to choose a name for the organizational unit (which must differ from other companies; this information is easy to confirm at Slovak business register web page www.orsr.sk), area of activities, set founder and statutory body, registered seat and of course, the decision of a founder on forming an organizational unit is a necessity.
The Next step requires communication with the relevant authorities. The Formation of an organization unit of your company in Slovakia requires a trade licence, application for registration in the business register and also registration at the Tax office since the new unit would be considered as a Slovak tax resident from a tax perspective.
We have wide experience with the formation of an organizational unit, therefore despite its comprehensive character, we are able to ensure the process simply and safely for you. We have experienced lawyers and attorneys, which provide us the opportunity to be your help in all legal areas. You will gain complex legal care in all personal and professional situation, working with us. Since we possess advance electronic signature, we are able to cut some of the legal fees down to half.
I am from Germany and I am currently living in Kosice. I would like to establish a civil association here...
READ THE REPLYI am the executive of the Slovak legal entity. I was informed that my company has a mailbox at www.slovensko.sk and I have to...