Loss and Reacquisition of the Slovak citizenship

Loss of citizenship

Pursuant to § 9 section 16 of Act No. 40/1993 Coll. on citizenship of the Slovak Republic as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “The Citizenship Act”) “a citizen of the Slovak Republic loses the nationality of the Slovak Republic on the day on which he voluntarily acquires foreign citizenship on the basis of an explicit expression of will, such as an application, declaration or other act aimed at the acquisition of foreign citizenship.” 

The loss of citizenship of the Slovak Republic does not apply due to the acquisition of foreign citizenship only in case a citizen of the Slovak Republic has acquired the foreign citizenship by birth or in connection with a marriage of a foreign citizen if the foreign citizenship of his / her spouse was acquired during the duration of a marriage. 

The Citizenship Act establishes the obligation to notify a district office in the seat of the region about lose of the citizenship of the Slovak Republic without any delay; failure to fulfill the above mentioned obligation constitutes the commission of the offense sanctioned with a fine of 3 319, – EUR.

Reacquisition of citizenship

Despite the fact that the voluntary acquisition of the citizenship automatically results in the loss of citizenship of the Slovak Republic, there is the possibility of re-acquiring the Slovak citizenship.  

It is a simplified way of acquiring citizenship within the meaning of § 7 section (2) let. b) Citizenship Act, which is described in detail in the Regulation of the Slovak Ministry of the Interior, dated 09.01.2015 on the granting of citizenship of the Slovak Republic for special reasons (hereinafter the “SR Decree on Citizenship”), “special reasons being the fact that the applicant is a person, which has earned significant earnings for the Slovak Republic in the area of ​​economic, scientific, technical, cultural, social, or sports or other reasons in the interest of the Slovak Republic.” Among other reasons “the interest of the Slovak Republic”, SR Decree on Citizenship also includes the fact that an applicant is a former citizen of the Slovak Republic. 

In this case, we recommend to submit a request for the citizenship of the Slovak Republic, for these special reasons, to the district office at the headquarters of the region, to the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Slovak Republic, where you specify exactly particular reasons, in your case, that you are a former citizen of the Slovak Republic. Your application will then be sent to the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, and its content will be reviewed by the Department of Public Administration of the Ministry. The request will then be sent to the Home Secretary. 

In deciding on the re-granting of citizenship of a former citizen of the Slovak Republic, reasons for the loss of the citizenship and the conditions and way of acquiring the nationality of another state, as a result of which the citizenship of the Slovak Republic has been lost should be taken into the consideration. Please note that re-granting a citizenship is not a legal claim, it is solely on the consideration of the relevant section of the ministry’s public administration whether to grant citizenship or not. 

However, according to phone information from the Bratislava County Office, the citizenship of the Slovak Republic to the former citizens should be granted.

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